"Takes readers on a suspenseful journey with Detective Hardwick and his team facing their most intelligent spree killer. The narrative stands out for its realistic and heart-wrenching portrayal, making the protagonist's struggle to balance parenthood and justice-seeking compelling.
The prologue sets a chilling tone, delving into the protagonist's troubled past and the profound impact of evil actions on a young mind. Woster skillfully weaves a tale that captures the complexities of human nature and the thin line between innocence and darkness." |
""Seeker of Justice" is a riveting exploration of the complexities surrounding domestic abuse and the pursuit of justice. Barbara Woster crafts a compelling narrative that delves into the intricate psyche of protagonist Bethany Barnstead, blurring the lines between right and wrong. The story is emotionally charged, thought-provoking, and masterfully unfolds the suspenseful layers of Bethany's quest for retribution."
"A psychological thriller that will raise your heartbeat! 'Seeker of Justice' is a wild page turner, projecting its female protagonist with emotionly vivid colors. Unorthodox and extreme from the very first page to the last, fuses suspense and crime under horrible stark clear skies!"
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